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Latest watering releases

Based on best available operational data, the following environmental water deliveries were made in the month of June 2024.

The watering year ends on 30 June 2024, and data on releases are currently being compiled. This section will be updated in July 2024 .

How do we know it works?

To measure the success of environmental watering, it is important to draw on the large body of scientific and community knowledge that exists about Victoria’s rivers and wetlands.

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Seasonal watering plan

A statewide plan that scopes potential environmental watering in rivers and wetlands.

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Water for the environment stories

Koondrook fishway completed

A milestone fishway infrastructure investment by the VEWH

For the first time in over a century, native fish will be able to move freely between the Murray River and Gunbower Creek with the launch of two new fishways at Koondrook and Cohuna in northern central Victoria.

Red-bellied black snake, by Keith Ward, Goulburn Broken CMA

Creature Feature: The venomous red-bellied black snake

When you’re out and about this summer make sure you keep an eye out for our slithery friend: the venomous red-bellied black snake.

News and media releases

Seasonal Watering Plan 2024-25

Media release: Environmental watering to build on gains from wet years

Victoria's regulated rivers will receive environmental flows in 2024-25 to continue improving conditions for native plants and animals, including birds and fish, to build on the gains from recent wet years.

Lake Eildon

Media Release: Victorian Environmental Water Holder to trade carryover space

The Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) intends to lease temporary carryover space in high-reliability water entitlement in Goulburn and Murray systems between April and June 2024.

Goulburn Weir in 2022

Media Release: Victorian Environmental Water Holder to trade water allocation

The Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) intends to sell up to 47,000 megalitres (ML) of allocation water, also known as temporary water, from the Murray, Goulburn and Campaspe systems between February and June 2024.

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