
Water for healthy waterways, valued by communities.

Organisational mission

We make robust decisions about managing water for the environment, in collaboration with program partners, stakeholders and communities, to preserve and improve the environmental values and health of Victorian waterways.

Organisational outcomes

The VEWH seeks to achieve three outcomes linked to the delivery of our vision and organisational mission.

Victoria’s environmental Water Holdings are managed effectively and efficiently to optimise environmental outcomes for enduring benefit.

Engagement, understanding and contribution of program partners, Traditional Owners, stakeholders and communities in the environmental watering program is strengthened.

The VEWH is a highly capable, well-governed organisation that demonstrates a culture of collaboration, integrity, commitment and initiative.

Our role

The VEWH is a statutory body established in 2011 under Victoria’s Water Act 1989 as an ‘accountable, independent guardian’ to transparently manage environmental water entitlements.

We decide where, when and how water is to be used in Victoria, including water deliveries, carrying water over from one year to the next, or trading water to get the most benefit for rivers, wetlands and floodplains.


  • commits water held for the environment and authorises waterway managers to carry out watering decisions accordingly
  • works with program partners to achieve environmental outcomes from all water delivery
  • publicly communicates environmental watering decisions and results
  • works with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and other government program partners on complementary works, knowledge gathering and sharing, monitoring and research to strengthen the effects of environmental watering
  • coordinates with waterway manager partners to identify where water for the environment can support cultural, social, recreational and economic values and uses of rivers and wetlands.

Page last updated: 14/01/25