On this page:
Seasonal watering statements can be made at any time during the year and are generally linked to waterway managers and specific systems.
Depending on the nature of the system and the entitlement being used, there may be one or multiple statements for a system throughout the year. Where there is more than one statement listed for a system, the statements are ordered with the latest statement at the top.
In addition to communicating decisions on environmental watering activities, the seasonal watering statements also authorise a catchment management authority or Melbourne Water to order and deliver water in the water holdings on behalf of the VEWH to achieve environmental outcomes.
To request a statement from previous financial years, contact us.
Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
Mallee Catchment Management Authority
Melbourne Water
North Central Catchment Management Authority
North East Catchment Management Authority
Victorian Environmental Water Holder
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Wimmera Catchment Management Authority
Page last updated: 14/01/25