The VEWH’s allocation water trading strategy provides an overview of the types of water trading activities the VEWH may undertake across the year.

Trade of allocation water (also known as temporary water) is an important tool the VEWH uses to optimise the management of environmental water. Water trading allows the VEWH to move water to the systems where it is most needed to smooth out some of the variability in water availability across systems and across years, and to create revenue that can be used to improve the management and performance of the Water Holdings.

The strategy covers both commercial trade of allocation water (selling and purchasing water allocation and carryover parking), and administrative trade of allocation water (transfers of allocation water between the VEWH and other water holders).

The VEWH invests funds from commercial trade in future water purchases to address high-priority water shortfalls, strategic activities, knowledge, research, business costs, complementary works and measures, or other priorities to improve management of the holdings and performance of Victoria's environmental watering program. The VEWH’s Trade Revenue Investment Framework outlines how the VEWH makes trade revenue investment decisions.

Allocation Water Trading Strategy 2024-25

Page last updated: 14/01/25