On this page:

Latest information about where, when and why environmental water may be delivered to the Moorabool River and the environmental objectives being targeted is available in this year’s seasonal watering plan.

The seasonal watering plan also contains information about how environmental flows could support cultural, social, recreational and economic values in the Moorabool River.

Watering data for the Moorabool River and the wider central region is updated quarterly. Visit current watering releases to find out more.

To find out the current environmental water entitlements held by the VEWH in the Moorabool River visit our water holdings.

Information about the ownership of water entitlements in the Moorabool River can be found under the Entitlements and Compliance section of the Moorabool basin page at Victorian Water Accounts.

Waterway manager

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority

Storage manager

Central Highlands Water

Environmental Water Holder

Victorian Environmental Water Holder

Traditional Owners

Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is the statutory authority for the management of Aboriginal heritage values and culture under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

System overview

The Moorabool River is a tributary of the Barwon River. It flows south from the Central Highlands between Ballarat and Ballan to join the Barwon River at Fyansford, just north of Geelong. The Moorabool catchment is highly regulated with major storages, including Lal Lal, Moorabool and Bostock reservoirs.

The lower section of the Moorabool River between She Oaks and Batesford has nine private diversion weirs that are significant barriers to fish. These barriers have increased the extent of slow-flowing habitat and reduced habitat diversity.

Water allocated to the Moorabool River environmental entitlement is stored in Lal Lal Reservoir. The entitlement references passing flow, a significant component of annual streamflow, and helps maintain a low flow through winter. The use of environmental water in the Moorabool system is limited by inflows to the reservoir and by a use cap specified in the entitlement. The priority reaches for deliveries of water for the environment are between Lal Lal Reservoir and She Oaks Weir (reaches 3a and 3b), as that is where the available water can have the most benefit. Environmental flows may also benefit flow-dependent values in the reach between She Oaks Weir and the confluence with the Barwon River.

The Moorabool system is a water supply catchment for Barwon Water and Central Highlands Water. Releases from Lal Lal Reservoir for urban water supply contribute to environmental outcomes in reaches 3a and 3b (above Barwon Water’s diversion point at She Oaks) and allow more efficient delivery of water for the environment to reach 4. Barwon Water and the Corangamite CMA coordinate operational and environmental releases, where possible, to optimise these benefits.

Moorabool system map

A detailed map of the Moorabool River system showing river reaches across the system. The map depicts where relevant environmental flow studies have been undertaken and which reaches can receive environmental water.
Download Moorabool system map

Environmental values

The Moorabool River is home to native fish species, including the Australian grayling, river blackfish, Australian smelt, flat-headed gudgeon, southern pygmy perch, short-finned eel, spotted galaxias and tupong. The system also contains extensive areas of endangered remnant vegetation, including streambank shrubland and streamside woodland ecological vegetation communities. Platypus, rakali (water rats) and a range of waterbugs are also present. The Moorabool River flows into the Barwon River, connecting it to the Ramsar-listed lower Barwon wetlands.

Page last updated: 17/03/25