Carryover allows a water entitlement holder to take unused allocation water from one water year to the next.

This important tool gives environmental water managers flexibility to store and deliver allocated water at the right times and for the greatest value.

Carryover – like trade – is a tool the VEWH uses to manage seasonal water availability and get the most benefits for the environment.

Carryover helps the VEWH operate in the cycle of ‘boom and bust’ between record floods and drought by making sure that:

  • we can plan environmental watering in dry years for environmental benefits in wet years
  • there is water available at the right times to keep providing food and shelter for newly fledged waterbirds, young fish and recovering wetland plants.

Trade can include leasing temporary carryover space – also known as carryover parking –a form of trade where parties with unused carryover space lease it to other parties that have allocation water.

The Victorian Water Register has more information on carryover, including rules and FAQs.

Page last updated: 14/01/25