Water for healthy waterways valued by communities
Organisation mission
Our environment: We work with program partners to preserve and improve the environmental values and health of water ecosystems across Victoria through robust decisions about water for the environment.
Our communities: We engage communities across Victoria about water for the environment and improve waterway uses that depend on environmental condition.
Our culture: We are aligned with our business direction, proud of our performance and own a culture centred on collaboration, integrity, commitment and initiative.
We do this by preparing a seasonal watering plan each financial year. This scopes where, when, how and why environmental water can be used across Victoria's rivers, wetlands and floodplains.
See our annual report for details of the Victorian Environmental Water Holder's activities and financial performance. You can also read our corporate plan and 10 Year Strategy 2023-2033.
Reflections is published each year and explains the achievements of environmental watering across Victoria.