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About the region

Environmental values, recent conditions, objectives and planned actions for delivering water for the environment for each system in the central region are presented in the system sections that follow.

View the current seasonal watering plan for the rivers and wetlands that make up the Central region:

Catchments in the central region received above-average winter and spring rainfall for the third consecutive year in 2022, but late summer and autumn 2023 were drier than the long-term average. Parts of the Barwon, Moorabool and Yarra systems recorded their highest October rainfall totals, which caused significant flooding. Reservoirs in all systems spilled during 2022- 23, including Rosslynne Reservoir, which spilled for the first time since 1996. Upper Yarra Reservoir reached its maximum operating capacity in October, but Melbourne Water released additional water to prevent it from spilling. Those releases increased flow in the Yarra River during November and December and meant water for the environment that had been carried over from 2021-22 was lost. Additional water was also released from Merrimu Reservoir in 2022-23 to prevent it from spilling. These spills, managed releases and natural inflows met many planned environmental watering actions across the region during winter and spring, but water for the environment was still needed to deliver the planned low flows and freshes in many systems during summer and autumn. The VEWH purchased water from licence holders in the Maribyrnong system to deliver environmental flows in Jacksons Creek.

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast below-median rainfall and above-median temperatures during autumn, winter and spring 2023 across the central region.

All systems in the central region are expected to receive full allocations of water for the environment in 2023-24, but the loss of some carryover due to reservoir spills and/or pre-spill releases in the Yarra and Werribee systems in 2022-23 means that the total water availability for 2023-24 may be less than it was in 2022-23.

Forecast available supply in the Yarra, Tarago and Werribee systems should be sufficient to deliver the potential environmental watering actions in all climate scenarios to build on environmental outcomes achieved over the last three wet years.

A near-full Rosslynne Reservoir will likely create an opportunity to purchase water to deliver environmental flows in the Maribyrnong system. However, outcomes in upper Jacksons Creek continue to be limited by infrastructure delivery constraints.

Options for delivering water for the environment in the Moorabool and Barwon systems in 2023-24 will be heavily influenced by local climatic conditions due to their smaller and more variable environmental allocations. Larger flows in the Moorabool and upper Barwon systems rely on significant contributions from local rainfall and are, therefore, only likely to be achieved under average or wet climatic conditions. Natural inflows will also have a significant bearing on the low flows and freshes

in the Moorabool and upper Barwon systems, and summer and autumn flows may need to be delivered at the lower end
of their recommended range to conserve available environmental supply if those seasons are dry. Delivery of water for the environment in the lower Barwon wetlands is not affected by annual allocations of water for the environment, and the proposed fill in winter/spring and partial drawdown in summer/autumn should be possible in all climate scenarios if river levels allow.

Traditional Owners in the central region

Traditional Owners in the central region have a deep connection to Country that has endured for tens of thousands of years. This includes inherent rights and cultural obligations to Country and community.

The Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation are the Registered Aboriginal Parties under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 for the areas incorporating waterways covered by this section of the seasonal watering plan.

In 2023 formal recognition of Eastern Maar’s rights under the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 was extended to include much of the coastline of the Great Ocean Road and part of the Great Otway National Park. In relation to this seasonal watering plan, it also includes parts of the Barwon River catchment. The native title determination acknowledges Eastern Maar’s ongoing connection and intrinsic relationship to Country in south-western Victoria.

Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation is also a Registered Aboriginal Party within the central region geographic area. Gunaikurnai waterways managed with water for the environment are covered in the Gippsland region section of the seasonal watering plan.

Traditional Owner objectives for water in the central region have been acknowledged in several strategies and plans recently, including the Rivers of the Barwon (Barre Warre Yulluk) Action Plan, the Waterways of the West Action Plan, the Yarra Strategic Plan (Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo), and the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy.

The Victorian Government is committed to self-determination for Traditional Owners through Treaty negotiations and policies such as Water is Life: Traditional Owner Access to Water Roadmap 2022 and through actions in the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy. The VEWH and partners are working with Traditional Owners to embed the outcomes of government policy in the Victorian environmental watering program. Program partners in the environmental watering program are aware that structural changes (such as legislative, policy and governance changes) to how water is managed may be made in the future in recognition of Aboriginal water rights. Program partners have heard that Traditional Owners want empowerment and agency in water management and, in many cases, want to manage water on Country on their own terms.

Black Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

65 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

80 ML

Watering 2022-23


Glenelg River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

20,066.89 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

10322.138 ML

Watering 2020-21

8571.67 ML

Watering 2021-22

9800 ML

Watering 2022-23

11470.722 ML

Upper Jacksons Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

160.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

261.90 ML

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

314.5 ML

Watering 2022-23

321.9 ML

Tarago River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

453.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

40 ML

Watering 2020-21

1334 ML

Watering 2021-22

951 ML

Watering 2022-23

151 ML

Pyrites Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

435.10 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

178.4 ML

Watering 2020-21

560.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

1470.1 ML

Watering 2022-23

940 ML

Werribee River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

780.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

990 ML

Watering 2020-21

1325.67 ML

Watering 2021-22

792 ML

Watering 2022-23

1024 ML

Bungalally Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Upper Burnt Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

311.77 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

424.63 ML

Watering 2020-21

719.704 ML

Watering 2021-22

109.4 ML

Watering 2022-23

21.325 ML

Lower Mount William Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. The water released in 2023-24 is made available by VEWH and CEWH. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1137.088 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

2508.693481 ML

MacKenzie River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

4,365.43 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

2178.259 ML

Watering 2020-21

1612.865 ML

Watering 2021-22

2885.4 ML

Watering 2022-23

3840.222 ML

Ranch Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. Flows to the Wimmera River may be delivered from Lake Londsale or Taylors Lake Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

11.7 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

6 ML

Watering 2022-23


Upper Mount William Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

80.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

139 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

135 ML

Watering 2022-23

68 ML

Wimmera River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

5,817.92 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised is shared between Wimmera and MacKenzie rivers and Burnt, Bungalally and Mount William creeks and the Ranch Billabong. Flows to the Wimmera River may be delivered from Lake Londsale or Taylors Lake. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

7691.5 ML

Watering 2020-21

3955.43 ML

Watering 2021-22

7117.1 ML

Watering 2022-23

2455.202 ML

Barbers Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.13 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

10.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

7.632 ML

Watering 2020-21

5.656 ML

Watering 2021-22

3.9 ML

Watering 2022-23


Broom Tank

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2.02 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

2.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.1 ML

Watering 2021-22

1 ML

Watering 2022-23


Bull Swamp (Bulls Swamp)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

6.53 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

8.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

4.1 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

2.89 ML


Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

8.94 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

22.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

10.285 ML

Watering 2020-21

18.883 ML

Watering 2021-22

12.936 ML

Watering 2022-23

5.36475 ML

Challambra Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

3.57 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

4.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.896 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

4.651 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.86 ML

Chiprick (both)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

9.47 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

9.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

5.15 ML

Chirrup Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

9.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.249 ML

Watering 2020-21

1.4 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Clinton Shire Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.30 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

2.6 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.653 ML

Cokum Bushland Reserve

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

3.64 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

8.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

2.474 ML

Watering 2020-21

2 ML

Watering 2021-22

3.455 ML

Watering 2022-23

5.1 ML


Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3.783 ML

Watering 2020-21

3.9 ML

Watering 2021-22

4.198 ML

Watering 2022-23

6.896 ML

Corack Lake

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

4.238 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

3.396 ML

Watering 2022-23

4.112 ML

Coundons Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

1.10758 ML

Creswick Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.20 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

3.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.106 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

2.667 ML

Watering 2022-23


Cronomby Tanks

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

6.95 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

8.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

4 ML

Watering 2021-22

6.136 ML

Watering 2022-23

5.9072 ML

Crow Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

8.70 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

9.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

4.995 ML

Watering 2020-21

9.302 ML

Watering 2021-22

5.138 ML

Watering 2022-23

4.1371 ML

D Smith Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.05 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Davis Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.72 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

4.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.3 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.07 ML

Watering 2022-23


Falla Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

4.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

2 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.806 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.29172 ML

Fieldings Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.37 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

2.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.408 ML

Watering 2020-21

1.6 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.081 ML

Watering 2022-23


Goulds Reserve

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.954 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

3.481 ML

Greens Wetland (2)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

2.1 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.368 ML

Watering 2022-23


Harcoans Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

6.30 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

7.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

10.069 ML

Watering 2020-21

8.2 ML

Watering 2021-22

4.656 ML

Watering 2022-23



Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

1.081 ML

J Ferrier Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

6.99 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

7.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.706 ML

Watering 2021-22

2.292 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.546 ML

Jeffcott Wildlife Reserve

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

5.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

2.84 ML

Watering 2020-21

1.13 ML

Watering 2021-22

3.379 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.03877 ML

Jesse Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

6.124 ML

Watering 2020-21

5.2 ML

Watering 2021-22

2.956 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.24384 ML

John Ampt

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.40 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

2.123 ML

Watering 2022-23

2.8401 ML

Kath Smith Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

2.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Krong Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Danaher Bushland Reserve

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

3.51 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

3.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

5.96978 ML

Mahoods Corner

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.30 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

2.03 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.185 ML

Watering 2022-23


Morton Plains Reserve

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2.54 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

5.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.405 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.61 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.516 ML

Mutton Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

4.02 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

9.504 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

4.291 ML

Watering 2022-23

2.04 ML

Newer Swamp (Round Swamp)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

2.284 ML

Opies Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Pam Juergens Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Part of Gap Reserve (Stephen Smith Dam)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.819 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

1.43 ML

Paul Barclay

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2.58 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

5.323 ML

Watering 2020-21

4.095 ML

Watering 2021-22

2.986 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.323 ML


Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

5.10 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

4.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.831 ML

Watering 2020-21

2.584 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.718 ML

Watering 2022-23



Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1.197 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

2.179 ML

R Ferriers Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.06 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

3.7 ML

Watering 2021-22

6.334 ML

Watering 2022-23


Rickard Glenys Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.76 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1.818 ML

Watering 2020-21

1.619 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Roselyn Wetland/ Reids Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

10.52 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

10.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

3.743 ML

Watering 2021-22

2.865 ML

Watering 2022-23

4.83 ML

Sawpit Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

7.19 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

10.6 ML

Watering 2021-22

9.029 ML

Watering 2022-23



Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2.25 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

5.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

2.785203 ML

Watering 2022-23

1.25 ML

Shannons Wayside

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

1.461 ML

Tarkedia Dam

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2.94 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

4.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

2.145 ML

Watering 2020-21

1.864 ML

Watering 2021-22

1.252 ML

Watering 2022-23

2.323 ML

Tchum Lakes Lake Reserve (North Lake - Wetland)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

87.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

80.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Tchum Lakes Swimming Pool (North Lake - Dam)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3.635 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

9.977 ML

Towma (Lake Marlbed)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

1.202 ML

Uttiwillock Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

8.31 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

8.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

4.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

4.6 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.65061 ML

Wal Wal Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1.82 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

4.894 ML

Watering 2021-22

2.172 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.015 ML

Kinnairds Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

258.6 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

195 ML

Watering 2022-23


Moodie Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

1006.2 ML

Watering 2022-23


Doctors Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

67 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

427 ML

Watering 2022-23


Gaynor Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

993.2 ML

Watering 2021-22

901.1 ML

Watering 2022-23


Horseshoe Lagoon

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

121 ML

Watering 2020-21

17.1 ML

Watering 2021-22

51.9 ML

Watering 2022-23

70.3 ML

Kanyapella basin

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

500 ML

Watering 2021-22

1000 ML

Watering 2022-23


Loch Garry

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

499.8 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

980 ML

Watering 2022-23


Reedy Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

499.833 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Black Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. *Volume authorised is the total made availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

142.5 ML

Watering 2021-22

1462.6 ML

Watering 2022-23


Gunbower Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

7,552.28 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

21,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH and the CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

21231.2 ML

Watering 2020-21

10330.578 ML

Watering 2021-22

10149.408 ML

Watering 2022-23

9868.501 ML

Gunbower Forest

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

18,468.90 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Includes water delivered via Hipwell Road regulator which then passes through the forest floodplain to fill smaller wetlands. Watering can also be delivered via other regulators to target smaller wetlands in the forest and volumes delivered via those is reported seperately. The total volume authorised is availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH and the Living Murray program.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

2946.127 ML

Watering 2022-23

45036.6 ML

Little Gunbower Creek Complex

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. *Volume authorised is the total made availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek. *The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH, the Living Murray and the CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1119.9 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

3207.9 ML

Watering 2022-23


Little Reedy Wetland Complex

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. *Volume authorised is the total made availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek. *The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH, the Living Murray and the CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1878 ML

Watering 2020-21

1505.78 ML

Watering 2021-22

9166.943 ML

Watering 2022-23


Reedy Lagoon

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. *Volume authorised is the total made availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek. *The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH, the Living Murray and the CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

921.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

2604 ML

Watering 2022-23


Yarran Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

73,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. *Volume authorised is the total made availble for the Gunbower Forest floodplain, floodrunners and wetlands, including Yarran Creek. *The water released in 2023-24 was made available by the VEWH, the Living Murray and the CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1413 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

1125 ML

Watering 2022-23


Barmah Forest

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

212,155.90 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

654,500.00 ML

More Information

Environmental water delivered from NSW holdings is not included in the total volumes. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH, CEWH, the Living Murray Program and River Murray Increased Flows.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

282118.1 ML

Watering 2020-21

204515.9 ML

Watering 2021-22

205312.5 ML

Watering 2022-23

102250.8 ML

Boals Deadwood

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

8164.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

5603.056 ML

Watering 2022-23

723.1 ML

Guttrum Forest

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

498.2 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

654.3 ML

Watering 2022-23


Hird Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

2901 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Johnson Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3240.4 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

1500 ML

Watering 2022-23

1148 ML

Kunat Kunat (Round Lake)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

333.80 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

700.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

300 ML

Watering 2020-21

369.937 ML

Watering 2021-22

409.4 ML

Watering 2022-23

250.1 ML

Lake Cullen

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

6385 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

5000 ML

Lake Elizabeth

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

577.60 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

1,200.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

960 ML

Watering 2020-21

713.5 ML

Watering 2021-22

824 ML

Watering 2022-23

645.5 ML

Lake Murphy

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

3306.2 ML

Watering 2022-23


McDonalds Swamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

293 ML

Watering 2020-21

280 ML

Watering 2021-22

350 ML

Watering 2022-23

401.7 ML

Muringa wetlands

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

26.7 ML

Watering 2022-23

3.3 ML

Richardsons Lagoon

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1461.2 ML

Watering 2021-22

1392.3 ML

Watering 2022-23


River Murray system

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Environmental water delivered from NSW holdings is not included in the total volumes. Watering data is updated quartery based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

17576 ML

Watering 2022-23


Third Reedy Lake

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3760 ML

Watering 2020-21

1415 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Wirra-Lo wetland complex

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

245.1 ML

Watering 2020-21

96.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

110.8 ML

Watering 2022-23

28.5 ML

Lower Broken Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

69,375.88 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

50,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH, CEWH and the Living Murray program.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

247 ML

Watering 2020-21

33654.514 ML

Watering 2021-22

69915.4 ML

Watering 2022-23

47427.9 ML

Goulburn River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

301,917.50 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH, CEWH and the Living Murray program

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3533 ML

Watering 2020-21

238819.065 ML

Watering 2021-22

468756.716 ML

Watering 2022-23

220945.5 ML

Dowd Morass

Last water release

Water delivered 2020 and 2021

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Use of holdings in Dowd Morass is based on river height in the Latrobe River, not volumetric entitlement

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Heart Morass

Last water release

Water delivered 2020 and 2021

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Use of holdings in Heart Morass is based on river height in the Latrobe River, not volumetric entitlement

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Latrobe River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

2701.7 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Sale Common

Last water release

Water delivered 2020 and 2021

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Use of holdings in Sale Common is based on river height in the Latrobe River, not volumetric entitlement

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Macalister River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

2,525.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

18333.025 ML

Watering 2020-21

3611 ML

Watering 2021-22

390 ML

Watering 2022-23

12460.9 ML

Snowy River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

The water year in the Snowy system runs from May to April. NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment manages environmental water in the Snowy River.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

117871 ML

Watering 2020-21

91176 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Heyfield wetlands

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Thomson River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

12 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Thomson River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

15,441.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full Entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

12910 ML

Watering 2020-21

18651 ML

Watering 2021-22

18960 ML

Watering 2022-23

18160 ML

Broken River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

6,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH and CEWH. The volume authorised in 2023-24 may be used in the Broken River and upper Broken Creek

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

509.6 ML

Watering 2022-23

2501.9 ML

Upper Broken Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1,447.51 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

6,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH and CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

597.3 ML

Watering 2020-21

1235.1 ML

Watering 2021-22

1247.4 ML

Watering 2022-23

1146 ML


Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

400.2 ML

Watering 2021-22

800 ML

Watering 2022-23


Finnigans Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

950.238 ML

Watering 2020-21

999.94 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Hattah Lakes

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

1,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. Water authorised in 2023-24 is to be used for pump maintenance and testing.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

145 ML

Watering 2020-21

27312.72 ML

Watering 2021-22

46138.705 ML

Watering 2022-23

29311.8 ML

Lake Kramen

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

12701.67 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Wallawalla

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

3993.06 ML

Watering 2021-22

10005.5 ML

Watering 2022-23


Lindsay and Mulcra islands

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Includes deliveries to anabranch waterways and wetlands within Lindsay and Mulcra islands. Watering is coordinated with operation of weir pools 7 and 8 of the Murray River.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

387 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lindsay-Mullaroo connector

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

292.7 ML

Watering 2021-22

208.9 ML

Watering 2022-23


Bilgoes Billabong

Last water release

New Site - no e-water delivered

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

100.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Snake Lagoon extension

Last water release

New Site - no e-water delivered

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

210.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Sandy Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1311.914 ML

Watering 2020-21

1999.558 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Scotties Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

100.4 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Wallpolla East

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1383.233 ML

Watering 2020-21

1487 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Wallpolla Horseshoe

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

399.677 ML

Watering 2020-21

399.213 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Wetland 33

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

149.3 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Birchs Creek

Last water release

Water delivered 2014-15

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Boort

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

770 ML

Watering 2022-23

1912.9 ML

Lake Leaghur

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

804.606 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Meran

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1611.7 ML

Watering 2020-21

1353.4 ML

Watering 2021-22

7713.6 ML

Watering 2022-23


Lake Yando

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

1010.5 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Little Lake Meran

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

883.5 ML

Loddon River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

17,670.69 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH and CEWH. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

8096.1 ML

Watering 2020-21

15392.9 ML

Watering 2021-22

13792.8 ML

Watering 2022-23

10837.67 ML

Pyramid Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

12.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

6,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

122.7 ML

Watering 2020-21

619.5 ML

Watering 2021-22

968.1 ML

Watering 2022-23

64.9 ML

Serpentine Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1,027.30 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full Entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1345.7 ML

Watering 2020-21

1238.3 ML

Watering 2021-22

954 ML

Watering 2022-23

716.9 ML

Bidgee Lagoons

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

450.005 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Brickworks Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

320 ML

Watering 2020-21

248.324 ML

Watering 2021-22

198.7 ML

Watering 2022-23


Bridge Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

776.075 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Bullock Swamp North

Last water release

Water delivered 2014-15

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Burra Creek North

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Burra Creek South

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

941.7 ML

Watering 2022-23


Burra Creek South Proper

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22

70.1 ML

Watering 2022-23


Cardross Lakes

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Carina Bend

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

877.84 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Catfish Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

877.43 ML

Cowanna Billabong

Last water release

Water delivered 2015-16

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Heywood Lake

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


J1 Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23


Koorlong Lake

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

147.848 ML

Watering 2020-21

62.341 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Carpul

Last water release

Water delivered 2015-16

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Lake Hawthorn

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

301.68 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

1,500.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

1460.19 ML

Watering 2020-21

859.873 ML

Watering 2021-22

177.2 ML

Watering 2022-23


Lake Powell

Last water release

Water delivered 2015-16

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

2,000.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Liparoo East

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

392.421 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Liparoo West

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

271.5 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Little Heywood Lake

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Margooya lagoon

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

15 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Neds Corner Central

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

148.58 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Musk Duck Wetland (Neds Corner East)

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

23.52 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

100.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

98.119 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Neds Corner Woolshed

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

21 ML

Watering 2020-21

52.7 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Nyah Floodplain

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Robertson Creek

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

999.7 ML

Watering 2021-22

723.2 ML

Watering 2022-23


Robertson wetland

Last water release

Watered in 2013-14

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Vinifera Floodplain

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Yungera Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Annulus Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Yarra River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21

46 ML

Watering 2021-22

28 ML

Watering 2022-23

23 ML

Banyule Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Yarra River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

51 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Burke Road Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Yarra River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Willsmere Billabong

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Yarra River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20


Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Yarra River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

16,051.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to allocation. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3931 ML

Watering 2020-21

8453 ML

Watering 2021-22

26917 ML

Watering 2022-23

6942 ML

Yering Backswamp

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

17.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised is available under the volume authorised for the Yarra River Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

18 ML

Watering 2020-21

6 ML

Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23

43 ML

Hospital Swamps

Last water release

Water delivered in 2023-24

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Use of holdings in Hospital Swamp is based on river height in the Barwon River, not volumetric entitlement. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Water delivered

Watering 2020-21

Water delivered

Watering 2021-22

Water delivered

Watering 2022-23

Water delivered

Reedy Lake

Last water release

Water delivered in 2023-24

Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Use of holdings in Reedy Lake is based on river height in the Barwon River, not volumetric entitlement. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Water delivered

Watering 2020-21

Water delivered

Watering 2021-22

Water delivered

Watering 2022-23

Water delivered

Upper Barwon River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

456.10 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to inflows. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

901 ML

Watering 2020-21

888.4 ML

Watering 2021-22

849.2 ML

Watering 2022-23

535.8 ML

Campaspe River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

22,686.31 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH, the Living Murray program and CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

20438.3 ML

Watering 2020-21

25024.8 ML

Watering 2021-22

34420 ML

Watering 2022-23

13856.3 ML

Coliban River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

283.24 ML

Water authorised 2023-24


More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

213.8 ML

Watering 2022-23

215.9 ML

Moorabool River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

1,356.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

Full entitlement

More Information

Volume authorised includes all water available under the entitlement, subject to inflows. Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

3587 ML

Watering 2020-21

2295 ML

Watering 2021-22

2563 ML

Watering 2022-23

2500 ML

King River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

145.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

full entitlement

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by VEWH and CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

50 ML

Watering 2020-21

86 ML

Watering 2021-22

142 ML

Watering 2022-23

142 ML

Mullinmur Wetland

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

20 ML

Watering 2020-21


Watering 2021-22


Watering 2022-23


Ovens River

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24

73.00 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

73.00 ML

More Information

Watering data is updated bi-monthly based on available operational data and is subject to change. The water released in 2023-24 was made available by CEWH.

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

53 ML

Watering 2020-21

73 ML

Watering 2021-22

73 ML

Watering 2022-23

73 ML

Last water release

Released to date 2023-24

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release

Released to date 2023-24

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release

Released to date 2023-24

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release

Released to date 2023-24

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release

Total Check

Released to date 2023-24

722,587.05 ML

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release


Released to date 2023-24


Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23

Last water release

Released to date 2023-24

Water authorised 2023-24

More Information

* Subject to environment and climatic conditions and operational constraints

Watering 2019-20

Watering 2020-21

Watering 2021-22

Watering 2022-23


The environmental watering program is informed by engagement with Traditional Owners, stakeholders and local communities. Program partners undertake extensive engagement at the local level to understand community priorities for the delivery of water for the environment in the coming year.

Program partners also seek to understand how cultural, social, economic and recreational values, uses and objectives may be supported by delivering environmental flows. Opportunities to support these values, uses and objectives are incorporated into watering decisions where possible and provided they do not compromise environmental outcomes. Cultural, social, economic and recreational values considered for each system in the central region are presented in the following system sections.

Environmental flows objectives are also informed by engagement undertaken through other strategies, plans and processes. These include regional catchment strategies, regional waterway strategies and technical studies (such as environmental flows studies and environmental water management plans). Traditional Owners’ cultural objectives for environmental flows may refer to cultural flows studies, Aboriginal Waterway Assessments, Traditional Owner Country Plans and other tools. These strategies, plans and technical reports collectively describe a range of environmental, economic, social and Traditional Owner perspectives and longer-term integrated catchment and waterway management objectives that influence environmental flows and priorities for water for the environment.

Table 3.1.1 Partners and stakeholders engaged by Corangamite Catchment Management Authority in developing seasonal watering proposals for the Moorabool system, upper Barwon River and lower Barwon wetlands and other key foundation documents that have directly informed the proposals (grouped in alphabetical order)


Moorabool system

Upper Barwon River

Lower Barwon wetlands

Community groups and environment groups

  • Corangamite Waterwatch
  • Geelong Landcare Network
  • Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group
  • People for A Living Moorabool
  • Environment Victoria
  • Friends of the   Barwon
  • Geelong Field   Naturalists Club
  • Land and Water Resources Otway Catchment
  • Otway Agroforestry Network Ltd
  • Upper Barwon   Landcare Network
  • Winchelsea Land and Rivercare Group
  • Corangamite  EstuaryWatch
  • Geelong Environment Council Inc.
  • Geelong Field   Naturalists Club

Government agencies

  • Barwon Water
  • Central Highlands Water
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Parks Victoria
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Golden Plains Shire Council
  • Moorabool Shire Council
  • Victorian Environmental Water Holder
  • Barwon Water
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Victorian Environmental Water Holder
  • Colac Otway Shire Council
  • Barwon Water
  • City of Greater Geelong
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Parks Victoria
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Victorian Environmental Water Holder
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority


  • Landholders on the Moorabool Stakeholder Advisory Committee
  • Individual landholders
  • Individual landholders

Local businesses

  • Adelaide Brighton Cement
  • Commercial eel fishers

Recreational users

  Individual users
  • Field and Game Australia (Geelong Branch)
  • Geelong Gun and Rod Association Inc.
  • VRFish

Traditional Owners

  • Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
  • Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Table 3.1.2 Partners and stakeholders engaged by Melbourne Water in developing seasonal watering proposals for the Yarra, Tarago, Maribyrnong and Werribee systems and other key foundation documents that have directly informed the proposals (grouped in alphabetical order)


Yarra system

Tarago system

Maribyrnong system

Werribee system

Community groups and environment groups

  • Collingwood Children’s Farm
  • Environment Victoria
  • Friends of Yarra Flats Park
  • Friends of Yarran   Dheran Nature Reserve
  • Independent community members
  • Native Fish Australia
  • Waterwatch coordinators
  • Yarra Riverkeeper
  • Cardinia Environment Coalition
  • Environment Victoria
  • Friends of Mt Cannibal Flora and Fauna Reserve
  • Friends of Robin Hood Reserve
  • Independent community members
  • Native Fish Australia
  • Waterwatch coordinators
  • Environment Victoria
  • Friends of Holden Flora Reserve
  • Friends of the Maribyrnong Valley Inc.
  • Independent community members
  • Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork
  • Native Fish Australia
  • Waterwatch coordinators
  • Ecolinc
  • Environment Victoria
  • Friends of Toolern Creek Reserve
  • Friends of Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee Inc.
  • Independent community members
  • Moorabool Environment Group/Platypus Alliance - Bacchus Marsh
  • Native Fish Australia
  • NatureWest
  • Pinkerton Landcare and Environment Group
  • Waterwatch Coordinator
  • Werribee Riverkeeper

Government agencies

  • Banyule City Council
  • City of Boroondara
  • City of Melbourne
  • City of Whittlesea
  • Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria
  • Manningham City Council
  • Nillumbik Shire Council
  • Parks Victoria
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority
  • Victorian Freshwater Fish Habitat & Flows Roundtable
  • Yarra Ranges Shire Council
  • Baw Baw Shire   Council
  • Cardinia Shire Council
  • Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria
  • Melbourne Water (Service Delivery)
  • Parks Victoria
  • Port   Phillip and Westernport CMA
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority
  • Victorian Freshwater Fish Habitat & Flows Roundtable
  • Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria
  • Greater Western Water
  • Hume City Council
  • Maribyrnong City Council
  • Melbourne Water (Service Delivery)
  • Moonee Valley City Council
  • Parks Victoria
  • Port Phillip and Westernport CMA
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Victoria Police
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority
  • Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability   Victoria
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria
  • Greater Western Water
  • Melbourne Water (Service Delivery)
  • Melton City Council
  • Parks Victoria
  • Southern Rural Water
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority
  • Wyndham City Council


  • Individual landholders
  • Licensed diverters
  • Individual landholders
  • Licensed diverters
  • Individual landholders
  • Zoos Victoria

Local businesses

  • East Coast Kayaking
  • Melbourne Adventure Hub
  • Sea Kayak Australia
  • Warburton Holiday Park
  • Warrior Spirit Adventures
  • Glen Cromie Reserve
  • Atlas Ecology  Pty Ltd
  • Blackbird Cruises
  • Camp Sunnystones

Recreational users

  • Kirinari Kayak Club
  • Paddle Victoria
  • Patterson Lakes Canoe Club
  • Victorian Sea Kayak Club
  • VRFish
  • Whitehorse Canoe Club Inc.
  • VRFish
  • VRFish
  • VRFish
  • Werribee &   District Anglers Club

Technical experts

  • Arthur Rylah Institute
  • Australian Platypus Conservancy
  • Cesar Australia
  • Melbourne Water subject matter experts
  • Research collaborators at Melbourne University
  • Arthur Rylah Institute
  • Australian Platypus Conservancy
  • Cesar Australia
  • Melbourne Water subject matter experts
  • Research collaborators at Melbourne University
  • Arthur Rylah Institute
  • Australian Platypus Conservancy
  • Cesar Australia
  • Melbourne Water subject matter experts
  • Research collaborators at Melbourne University
  • Arthur Rylah Institute
  • Australian Platypus Conservancy
  • Cesar Australia
  • Melbourne Water subject matter experts
  • Research collaborators at Melbourne University

Traditional Owners

  • Bunurong   Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
  • Bunurong   Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
  • Bunurong   Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
  • Bunurong   Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal   Corporation
  • Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation

Integrated catchment management

Altered water regimes are one of many threats to the health of Victoria’s waterways. To be effective, environmental flows need to be part of an integrated approach to catchment management. Many of the environmental objectives of water for the environment in the central region will not be fully met without simultaneously addressing issues such as barriers to fish movement, high nutrient loads, loss of streambank vegetation and invasive species.

Victorian and Australian government agencies, Traditional Owner groups, community groups and private landholders collectively implement a wide range of programs that aim to protect and improve the environmental condition and function of land, soils and waterways throughout Victoria’s catchments.

Examples of complementary programs that support the outcomes of environmental flows in the central region include:

  • works to protect and enhance streambanks along priority reaches, including willow removal, revegetation and fencing to exclude stock
  • urban billabong restoration along the lower Birrarung (Yarra River) using ecological and Traditional Owner knowledge
  • an update to the Werribee Diversion Weir (proposed in the Central and Gippsland Regional Sustainable Water Strategy) to improve fish passage and delivery of environmental flows.

For more information about integrated catchment management programs in the central region, refer to the Corangamite CMA and Melbourne Water regional catchment strategies and regional waterway strategies.

Risk management

During the development of the seasonal watering proposals for the Yarra, Tarago, Maribyrnong, Werribee, Moorabool and Barwon systems, environmental watering program partners assessed risks associated with potential environmental flows for 2023-24 and identified appropriate mitigating strategies. Risks and mitigating actions are continually assessed by program partners throughout the year (see subsection 1.2.7).


Stories of success and reflections on past environmental watering activities and results

Page last updated: 24/07/20