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Another 200-million litres for the Moorabool River

The second in a series of three summer freshes will be released to freshen habitat pools for fish and platypus in the Moorabool River at the end of February.

Moorabool RiverThe second in a series of three summer freshes will be released to freshen habitat pools for fish and platypus in the Moorabool River at the end of February.

The 200 million litres environmental water release aims to enhance habitat connectivity, increase fish movement and create additional habitat for macro-invertebrates. The water is also released to flush nutrients from deep pools.

Corangamite CMA is working with Central Highlands Water, Barwon Water and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) to co-ordinate the release of from Lal Lal Reservoir, in line with the VEWH Seasonal Watering Plan 2011-12.

The release will happen over 14 days and includes a period of build up and wind down of flow rate to mimic the slow movement of water during natural river pulses.

he environmental water is in addition to water releases Barwon Water currently provide for extraction at Sheoaks, halfway down the Moorabool River. Barwon Water have been releasing 28 million litres per day during summer for urban water supply downstream which is important to maintain substantial flows between Lal Lal and Sheoaks.

>Corangamite CMA River Health Executive Manager Trent Wallis said the summer fresh would increase pathways for fish movement and freshen habitat pools for fish and mammals that depend on them for food and shelter.

The summer fresh, planned to start February 27, will result in flows of up to 45 million litres a day and are expected to raise the water level in the river to 18 centimetres, although water will remain well within channel limits.

Further Information

Kathy Cogo, Communication Coordinator
Tel: 03 9637 8854 or 0466 015 183.

Page last updated: 12/12/19