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Environmental Flows for the Campaspe

The VEWH has approved the delivery of environmental water, held as part of the Living Murray program, for the Campaspe River downstream of Lake Eppalock during spring.

Campaspe RiverThe VEWH has approved the delivery of environmental water, held as part of the Living Murray program, for the Campaspe River downstream of Lake Eppalock during spring.

The main purpose of this water is to achieve environmental outcomes in the Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth in South Australia, as part of the Living Murray program, while enhancing environmental benefits in the Campaspe River. This water complements the delivery of Commonwealth environmental water which continues to be delivered over the winter/spring period.

The environmental water will build upon the flows experienced in the Campaspe over recent months and further benefit the river by cuing fish movement, mixing water within the river and inundating snag habitat.

The delivery of environmental water will be made in line with the VEWH Seasonal Watering Plan 2011-12.

A seasonal watering statement has formally authorised the North Central CMA to deliver environmental water on behalf of the Living Murray program.

Environmental water releases will not be made where there is a likelihood of flooding private land or property.

The Living Murray is an initiative of the Victorian, New South Wales, South Australian and ACT governments, coordinated by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Further Information

Kathy Cogo, Communication Coordinator
Tel: 03 9637 8854 or 0466 015 183.

Page last updated: 12/12/19