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North Central wetlands to receive a boost

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA), in partnership with Goulburn-Murray Water and Parks Victoria, is currently providing water to two key wetlands in the North Central region.

Photo of McDonalds SwampThe North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA), in partnership with Goulburn-Murray Water and Parks Victoria, is currently providing water to two key wetlands in the North Central region.

Richardson's Lagoon, a cut-off meander of the River Murray north-west of Echuca, also known locally as Baillieu's Lagoon, is receiving environmental water to inundate the River Red Gum zone of the floodplain, while McDonalds Swamp is being filled to provide critical habitat for the region's water birds.

Ms Emer Campbell from the North Central CMA said McDonalds Swamp, a wetland within the Kerang Lakes, is highly significant for water bird breeding, feeding and roosting, and is an important refuge site on the northern floodplain, while Richardson's Lagoon is significant for the region as it provides refuge and habitat for waterbirds in the area.

"The North Central CMA has undertaken monitoring at McDonalds Swamp following previous watering events and recorded the return of threatened bird species such as the Glossy Ibis, Royal Spoonbill, Great Egret, Australasian Shoveler, White-bellied Sea Eagle and Hardhead.

"We know there are significant ecological responses when the wetland has water. Historically, particularly during the drought, McDonalds Swamp was dry, so it is encouraging to monitor and see firsthand the benefits when environmental water is delivered to the wetland," said Ms Campbell. "Also, when there has been water at Richardson's Lagoon in the past, waterbirds of state and national significance have flocked to the wetland. Cormorants (pied, little pied, great and little black), great egrets, white-necked herons, nankeen night herons, ibis, royal and yellow spoonbills and brolgas have all been recorded on the site. The wetland also supports numerous duck species when holding water."

Further Information

Kathy Cogo, Communication Coordinator
Tel: 03 9637 8854 or 0466 015 183.

Page last updated: 12/12/19