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Reflections - environmental watering in Victoria 2013-14 released

The benefits of Victoria's environmental watering program have been unveiled in the VEWH's Statewide annual watering booklet, Reflections – environmental watering in Victoria 2013-14.

The benefits of Victoria's environmental watering program have been unveiled in the VEWH's Statewide annual watering booklet, Reflections – environmental watering in Victoria 2013-14.

"Reflections" outlines the outcomes and achievements in the 2013-14 watering year across 19 river and wetland systems across Victoria.

Over 800,000 megalitres of environmental water were released over the course of the year to provide environmental benefits and boost the health of a number of Victorian waterways.  

Among some of the outcomes captured in stories from Reflections – environmental watering in Victoria 2013-14 are:

  • the first ever environmental watering of 37 wetlands in western Victoria, following completion of connections to the Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline
  • the first year of use for the Campaspe River's own environmental water entitlement (water set aside to manage native plants and animals and keep the river healthy)
  • use of environmental flows in three Gippsland Rivers to flush a salt wedge endangering fish
  • survival of platypus in the Wimmera River after environmental flows were used following bushfire and record-breaking heat
  • environmental water used to aid bushfire recovery in two Goulburn Broken wetlands
  • Statewide success in halting the decline of the Australian grayling, a threatened native fish species
  • water delivered to two iconic River Murray sites through new environmental channels and pumps – enabling more targeted delivery of environmental water.

VEWH Chairperson Denis Flett said the stories in "Reflections" highlight the importance of partnerships in Victoria's environmental watering program.

"The VEWH has worked hard with all its program partners to ensure the most efficient and effective use of the environmental water available."

"Environmental water keeps waterways – and the life within and around them – healthy. This also has ongoing benefits for recreation (such as fishing) as well as the homes and farms that rely on rivers for clean water," Mr Flett said.

Environmental water was provided through entitlements held by the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, and the Living Murray program.

The Living Murray is a joint initiative funded by the New South Wales, Victorian, South Australian, Australian Capital Territory and Commonwealth governments, coordinated by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority.

Further Information

VEWH works with catchment management authorities and Melbourne Water to find more effective ways to increase environmental watering outcomes for the State's rivers and wetlands.Reflections – environmental watering in Victoria 2013-14, is available for download at or by contacting the VEWH on (03) 9637 8951.

Page last updated: 12/12/19