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Three freshes for the Campaspe

Local residents and visitors to the Campaspe River, north of Rochester, may notice the river level rise and fall along with changes to water flow rate and colour as water makes its way from the Campaspe Siphon to the Murray River.

Campaspe RiverLocal residents and visitors to the Campaspe River, north of Rochester, may notice the river level rise and fall along with changes to water flow rate and colour as water makes its way from the Campaspe Siphon to the Murray River.

Darren White, Environmental Flows project manager from the North Central CMA said approximately 100 ML per day for a period of six days is expected to be released three times between February and April.

"These flows will further benefit the river by maintaining in-stream and bank vegetation, stimulating fish movement, mixing water within the river and inundating snag habitat."

The three flow events are made in line with the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) Seasonal Watering Plan 2011-12, developed in partnership with the North Central CMA, Department of Primary Industry Fisheries, Goulburn-Murray Water and community representatives.

Further Information

Kathy Cogo, Communication Coordinator
Tel: 03 9637 8854 or 0466 015 183.

Page last updated: 12/12/19