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VEWH Commissioners appointed

Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith has appointed Commissioners to Victoria's first independent body for holding and managing environmental water – the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH).

Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith has appointed Commissioners to Victoria's first independent body for holding and managing environmental water – the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH).

The VEWH will be responsible for holding and managing Victoria's environmental water entitlements, and making decisions on their use.

Denis Flett has been appointed as Chairperson, along with Deputy Chairperson, Geoffrey Hocking and Commissioner Ian Penrose.

The Commissioners will officially begin their new roles on 1 July, and will be employed on a part-time basis for three years.

Mr Flett has held positions in the Victorian water sector for 31 years, including 10 years in water engineering and 21 years in management. The foundation chief executive of Goulburn-Murray Water and Victorian Commissioner on the former Murray-Darling Basin Commission, he is currently Board Director of Goulburn Valley Water and Director of private consulting firm DG Consulting.

Mr Flett has breadth of experience in the water sector, incorporating areas such as engineering, management, policy and strategy. He also has detailed knowledge of Victorian river systems, particularly in the northern part of the State.

Mr Hocking has a strong management background in natural resources, public administration, community and organisational development. He was most recently chief executive officer of the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, through which he has developed significant knowledge of river systems in southern Victoria. He has held senior managerial positions at Gippsland Water, LaTrobe Shire Council and the Australian Securities Commission.

Mr Penrose has over 30 years experience in the water, natural gas and coal mining industries, with particular skills in sustainable water management, finance and corporate affairs. Currently chief executive officer of the Yarra Riverkeepers Association, Mr Penrose is a former Director of Water Savings and Director of the Snowy Project, with DSE. He has significant knowledge of environmental flow issues, particularly in regards to the Yarra and Snowy Rivers.

The first task of the Commissioners will be to prepare a seasonal watering plan which will set the Statewide priorities for environmental watering for the coming year.

Further Information

Kathy Cogo, Communication Coordinator
Tel: 03 9637 8854 or 0466 015 183.

Page last updated: 12/12/19